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Social Justice Parents

Social Justice Parents: Welcome

It's YOUR Vote, No One Elses!

To all of the new young adult voters out there, Don't listen to your parents vote for yourself! The first year that I could vote was...

Yes I'm Terrified, and That's Okay

I have a confession to make, I am terrified. I do have a huge amount of fear. I am THAT terrified liberal generally staying at home,...

Homeschooling During a Pandemic

While beginning our homeschooling year this year I had a lengthy conversation with a friend messaging me about homeschooling. One of the...

Chestfeeding/Breastfeeding Tips

Breastfeeding and Chestfeeding can feel very intimidating at first, but being aware of some facts can help ease any parent into...

Dear Cisgender Mother 

Dear Cisgender Mother, We see you. All of us trans and nonbinary parents see what you're doing and the battles you face every day as a...

Intact Care for Those With a Penis

As education has become available about the importance of keeping a child intact many parents are wondering how to care for those...

Dear Parents,

Being pro-chestfeeding/breastfeeding does not mean being anti-formula feeding. It means we are celebrating the magic that human milk...

Dear Chestfeeding Goddex

Dear chestfeeding Goddex, You're amazing, valid, and loved!❤ Sometimes our chestfeeding journey can be hard. Some days some of us...

Why is today any different?

Why is one day so much more different than the other? Why just a day ago no one would have suggested I let you CIO but then immediately...

Social Justice Parents: Blog2

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Thanks for your interest in Social Justice Parents. For more information, feel free to get in touch with us by messaging our Facebook page. We look forward to hearing from you!

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